Letting everyone know the forum is live

Forum for everyone to use.
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Posts: 56
Joined: Fri Feb 08, 2019 2:22 am
Location: Winfield, KS

Letting everyone know the forum is live

Post by Sjordan » Sat Feb 09, 2019 3:26 pm

I have added a link in the hot rod daycare Facebook page to this site. There will be a couple reminders as I get everything going here. Set up an account and you can setup notices of things you would like to keep up with.

This is all running from my house, so as things get updated or any internet outage the site will not be accessable. Don't worry it will always be back.

Some reason trying to use goggles email server after seeing up the domain name I had some problems with email not getting sent. It's working now back through the original email I started using before registering sandmkustomz.com. I'll get that all worked out later.

Find any problems please message me here on the board about it so I can be sure it's getting fixed.

Now this was not just for me, everyone here is welcome to add what they like to the forum, invite others, etc. We can make different groups that are allowed different access of needed. Just gonna see where it all goes.
* Shannon Jordan *