Plans for the shop

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Plans for the shop

Post by Sjordan » Wed Mar 13, 2019 11:14 am

I don't have a large shop. I enjoy doing so many things with cars that i tend to run low on space frequently. So I'm working on getting things a little more specialized. I'm working on getting all the tools needed to build engines. I have a storage unit to keep the overflow out of the way. Also planning on doing some transmissions too. Not sure how far this part will go, probably just be specializing on a few popular units for performance.

Got a functional boring bar already. Just picked up a valve grinder. Still need more tools to be able to replace valve guides, but I'm working toward that. Will be building a flow bench to help with head porting too.

I been working toward this for a long time, it's about time to take it to the next stage.

What does all this mean? Well, a lot of the maintenance on other people's cars will be slowing down. Ok so that has already happened as I needed to get cought up on some of my projects here. There will be a lot of stuff coming up for sale. Thinking about just using a eBay store for this as I can take trades on stuff to keep things moving and it's got a large audience. Will probably post some of this on Facebook market place too.

Taking my time on getting everything going this direction, but this is the direction I am heading. I just want to get it all right.
* Shannon Jordan *